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「 SQL 」 一覧

Bulk insert to Oracle with Python

2020/07/04   -Oracle, Python

Overview There is an example code to insert data in bulk to Oracle database with python cx_Oracle Environments python 3.7.3Oracle 18c Express Edition Step1 : Creating the table Creating the table ‘oracle_insert’ in the schema ‘USER01’. CREATE TABLE USER01.ORACLE_INSERT( col1 int ,col2 int ,col3 int ) Step2 : Insert in bulk with executemany dataset is the dataset to be insertedMaking a connection to database with cx_OracleInserting in bulk with using cur.executemany() import cx_Oracle dataset =[ [1,2,3] ,[4,5,6] ,[7,8,9] ,[10,11,12] ,[13,14,15] ,[16,17,18] ,[19,20,21] ] HOST = ‘localhost’ PORT = ‘1521’ DB_NAME = ‘xepd1’ USER = ‘user01’ PASSWORD = ‘password01’ SERVICE_NAME = …