Author: SEBONE


Changing OpenJDK8 to OpenJDK11 on CentOS7

Description I changed java environment from OpenJDK8 to OpenJDK11 and wrote the procedure to do it in here. The reason I changed OpenJDK version is simply I think OpenJDK8 is a little old and...


【Python】How to datetime aggregation by pandas

Description Pandas is powerful method to deal with the data and here we are showing how to aggregate by this method with some examples. Data for test We are preparing test data like following.以下のようなテスト用の時系列データフレームを用意します。...


Deriving Regression coefficient from Residual Sum of Squares

When Linear Regression equation, \(y=\hat{\alpha} + \hat{\beta} x\), is found from the data, the formula for their coefficients, \(\hat{\alpha}\) and \(\hat{\beta}\), are the followings. $$ \hat{\beta} = r_{xy}\frac{s_{y}}{s_{x}} $$ $$ \hat{\alpha} = \bar{y} –...


Multiple Regression Analysis by Python statsmodels

Overview In this article, there is a explanation of Multiple Regression Analysis by using statsmodels in python. We focus not analyzing but understanding how to use this library. Environments Python 3.8.6 statsmodels 0.13.2 Preparetion...


【Python】From DataFrame To list type

Overview Pandas can get data from a database with read_sql easily.Here we can show how to convert dataframe to list type for only one row from database. Example table in databse a,b,c are columns...